Saturday, April 17

Been looking at some pics from last year, Very funny. Found some cool pictures;
Just a pic from the street:

Was looking at a fine car, and discovered this on the picture. ;D

Was walking on strøget with Sakina and the girls, and of course we got to see Oprah Winfrey. ;D

Carolina Wosniacki har de skide godt.. ;D hahahahaha

Haha Awesome Huge commercial in metro station!!

Whaaat??? "Morphin swing" Hahaha

Friday, April 16

Beautiful Picture..

Wednesday, April 14

The love of my life! The only one for me! My evrything!
No one has ever done so much for me like this man has! There is nothing he wouldnt do for me, and its nothing i wouldnt do for him. No one could ever change that!
I Love him with all my heart! and i will never leave you for nothing! You are the best baby! <3

Wednesday, April 7

My sweet family. Dont meet them that much, but i still love them. Soon the times will change and we can be together all three of us again. :) It has been some tough years, when all of us been separated and everybody with different problems, and the anger of not being able to be with the ones we love! But thats what makes us special. We can make it and still have the love. <3
Cant wait to meet you again.